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I've Bean Better

I’ve Bean Better is a joint campaign between Suffolk Mind, Combat2Coffee and Ipswich Town Foundation to encourage better conversations about mental health.

We’ve all had good days and bad days.

Sometimes, simply, we’ve bean better.

Maybe you’ve bean better and want to talk, or perhaps you’re open to having a chat with someone else who’s bean better.

Either way, this badge can encourage better conversations around mental health.

Purchase your badge below, and scroll down for some resources, guidance and services to help you get talking.

By purchasing a badge, you will be making a contribution to Suffolk Mind as well as Combat2Coffee (who provide barista training and outreach support for veterans) and Ipswich Town Foundation (the community arm of ITFC).

Together, our aim is to support mental health in our county.

Supported by Hudson Group

Nigel’s story

We’ve all bean better – haven’t we?

For some of us the dark days are really dark, and for others they might just be – well, a bad day

For me, my bad days happened a while back when I was serving as a solider in the British Army, but I only realised how bad they were years later when I had a break down.

Many of us have challenging and stressful roles, and situations that break us down – not just soldiers.

My journey of discovery and healing started with veterans but quickly brought me in to contact with so many wonderful and remarkable people who had been equally challenged – who’d also bean better.

Those who teach, those who care for others, those who work difficult hours in difficult places – our stories are united in the knowledge that we’ve all bean better – and that’s ok.

So why don’t we all take a moment to recognise that we’ve bean better when we’re working with, or interacting with others. Have a thought for them, ’cause they may have bean better too

As humans we all want to be understood, recognised, and loved and perhaps asked:

“Are you ok?” “Have you bean better?”  “D’you fancy a coffee and a chat?”

Nigel, Founder of Combat2Coffee

Suffolk Mind services

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