Raising money in memory
Find a tribute page and donate in memory of someone.
About in memory
Donating in memory of a loved one or setting up an In Memory page will create a personal tribute to your loved one, and by supporting Suffolk Mind, will help us to help more people.
Sometimes people who have experienced our help – for themselves or a family member – will request donations in their memory, as a final act of support for a charity that has mattered to them. Many people also find this a meaningful way to keep the memory of a loved one alive and to honour their life after they have gone. Others take comfort from the fact that good will come from the loss they are currently experiencing, and the donations will help others.

If you would like to donate in memory of a loved one, here are some ways to do it

All money raised in your loved one’s name will help us in our aim to make Suffolk the best place in the world for talking about and taking care of mental health.
Fundraise In Memory
Besides donations and In Memory pages, we know that many people like to fundraise in memory of someone close to them, whether it is taking on a challenge or hosting a get together. Whatever feels right for you we are here to help and support you and you can Contact Us to discuss organising your own event or challenge or taking on an activity to raise money for us.